A la carte

Our chefs use all their ingenuity to design a cuisine which perfectly complement Kenzo Estate’s wines.

From light snacks to authentic course menu sets, we always focus our attention to marry the best cuisine and premium wines.

※ A 10% service charge will be added to your bill

  • See the text
  • See the image

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00 1種 ¥600  3種 ¥1,450

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

  • Recommended Wines

    • sei
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • sei
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • yui
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • yui
  • Recommended Wines

    • yui
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • yui
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • yui
  • Recommended Wines

    • sei
    • yui
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • yui

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • asatsuyu
    • rindo
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • asuka
    • murasaki
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka

MealAvailable from 11:00am ~10:00pm L.O.9:00pm

DessertAvailable from 11:00am ~10:00pm L.O.9:00pm

  • Recommended Wines

    • muku

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

提供時間 17:00〜L.O.21:00

  • Recommended Wines

    • yui
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • suzu
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • sei
    • asatsuyu
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka

提供時間 17:00〜L.O.21:00

  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • ai
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • asuka
    • ai
  • Recommended Wines

    • asatsuyu
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • yui
    • asuka
  • Recommended Wines

    • murasaki
    • ai
  • Recommended Wines

    • murasaki
    • ai
  • Recommended Wines

    • rindo
    • asuka

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00 1種 ¥600  3種 ¥1,450

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines
    • 牛バラ肉とセロリのきんぴら

    • とうもろこし真蒸揚げ

    • 茄子と豚肉の田舎煮

    • 冷やし冬瓜海老あんかけ

    • 海老と茄子のずんだ和え

    • 紋甲イカと新蓮根の梅マリネ

    • じゃことミニトマト、オクラの胡麻和え

    • 豚角田楽

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines
    • 【和】鶏手羽 塩唐揚げ

    • ¥1,200
    • Good wine chemistry

      • rindo
      • asuka
    • 【洋】パルミジャーノと胡桃 桃のサラダ

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • asatsuyu
    • 【洋】パルミジャーノと胡桃 桃のサラダ

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • yui
    • 【洋】伊佐木と山形“だし” ジェノベーゼのカッペリーニ

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • yui
    • 【洋】伊佐木のフリット ホワイトバルサミコでマリネしたパプリカ

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • yui
      • asuka
    • 【洋】ゴーヤとベーコンのオムレツ

    • ¥1,600
    • Good wine chemistry

      • yui
      • asatsuyu
    • 【洋】米茄子とモッツァレラ トマトの野菜ラザーニャ

    • ¥2,000
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • yui
    • 【洋】木の子と萌木のクロスティーニ

    • ¥800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • sei
      • yui
    • 【洋】鮎のスプリングロール 胡瓜のソテー

    • ¥1,400
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • yui

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines

MealAvailable from 11:00am ~10:00pm L.O.9:00pm

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines

DessertAvailable from 11:00am ~10:00pm L.O.9:00pm

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines
    • Homemade Ganache

    • ¥1,000
    • The Dessert of the Day

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • muku

提供時間 11:30〜L.O.22:00

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines

提供時間 17:00〜L.O.21:00

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines
    • Stone Bowl “SUKIYAKI” Wagyu Chuck Tender with Japanese Pepper

    • ¥5,000
    • Good wine chemistry

      • yui
      • asatsuyu
    • 【洋】パルミジャーノと胡桃 桃のサラダ

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • suzu
      • asatsuyu
    • 【洋】ラタトゥイユのパイ仕立て

    • ¥1,800
    • Good wine chemistry

      • sei
      • asatsuyu
    • 【洋】鮎のベニエ アグレッティ

    • ¥2,400
    • Good wine chemistry

      • rindo
      • asuka

提供時間 17:00〜L.O.21:00

Price (tax included)Recommended Wines


1F and 2F, Roppongi Keyakizaka Dori 6-12-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
03-3408-1215(FAX 03-3408-1216)03-3408-1215
Operation Hours
1F Wine Shop 11:00~23:00
1F Bar Counter Dining 11:30~23:00
2F Table in Restaurant 17:00~22:00
Regular closed days
Every Monday
Seat layout
1F Counter 13 seats
2F Tables 52 seats (4 private rooms)
Credit cards
American Express
6mn walk from Tokyo Metro Hibiya line Roppongi station
8mn walk from Toei Oedo line Roppongi station
8mn walk from Toei Oedo line Azabujuban station